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FDSA Standing Committees include: 

Committee Responsibilities
Constitution and Bylaws Committee reviews and considers amendments presented to it by the Board of Directors or the Membership of this Association along with those amendments the committee may deem necessary and/or advisable, and reports its findings to the Board of Directors prior to their presentation to the membership of this association
Finance Committee reviews and projects the financial position of this Association; and to this end, it reviews the report of the auditor for each year prior to its being presented to the Board of Directors with its recommendations, reviews the financial structure and budgets of the association,creates and reviews a
five (5) year projection of the income and expenses of this association, and considers any other matters referred to it by Board of Directors or the membership of this association
Membership Committee studies and recommends ways and means to expand and strengthen membership in the association and recommends procedures to the Board of Directors under which prospective members may be informed of the membership benefits of the association
Nominating Committee prepares a slate of at least one (1) nominee for each office to be filled by election at the FDSA Annual Meeting

Funeral Directors Services Association of Greater Chicago

Telephone - 773/398-5158  -  KEVIN ANDERSON

For Information
