The Funeral Directors Services Association of Greater Chicago (FDSA) purposes and objectives are:
- to study, develop, and establish the highest standards of service for the benefit of the public;
- to promote a professional relationship between those engaged in the practice of funeral service and the public they serve by the promulgation and adoption of correct and ethical principles of business administration;
- to represent its members and keep them informed of the laws and statutes affecting their practice and to encourage them to comply with these laws and statutes; and
- to maintain among its members the highest professional ideals which are necessary in the service of the public and in the public interest.
Member benefits include:
- Access to Business Insurance
- Pre-Arranged Funeral Trust
- Continuing Education Programs
- Regions Bank - Pre-Need Trust
- Liaison with other organizations
- Collective Bargaining (for Regular Members)
- Public Affairs/Legislative Monitoring
- Annual Tradeshow
To receive a current copy of the FDSA Contract Agreement - please email FDSAChicago@gmail.com

Funeral orders are now easier than ever. As funeral directors, we spend a good deal of time reaching out individually to suppliers for our funeral orders (Casket, Vault, Urns, Memorial Cards, etc.). Those days are NO MORE. Forever Tribute created a free online form that allows funeral directors to submit all their orders in one place. A simple click of the button, and your funeral orders are submitted automatically via email. Join Today!